Hiroshima Experience truely -Part 2-


Hello! Konnichiwa Konbannwa. Yamachan death!!!

This is Hiroshima experiense, the sequel of the last story.

I’m not gonna rely on translation this time because I want you to know who really I am, I try to use my own words that come from my brain, my heart.

Sometimes it’s a bit coarse, or not sophisticated, or even completely gramatically wrong. English is not my own language so I must apologize to all of you in advance that you’ll find some troubles in my writting. Sorry for sloppy an introfuction, let’s go !

Hiroshima (maybe my first time?)

Hiroshima is beautiful place. I thought so after my visiting.

Hiroshima is relatively popular place, I don’t need to mention it though. Hiroshima park at night is breathtakingly beautiful, when I walked through after having dinner with my friend. My friend always complained that his city, Suzuka city was so boring. Suzuka city is not bad as much as he says. It has motorcycle culture and a large circuit. I don’t know why he speaks ill of his own city. I know Keanu Reeves came to the circuit and he boasted his brandnew motorcycle at the circuit! People don’t appreciate what they have and want something what they don’t have. The state of mind can be said ”隣の芝は青く見える” in Japanese proverb.

Anyway, I don’t remember if I had visited the city. When I was a junior student, probably I went. Most students visit the city to go to the Atomic Bomb Dome. I feel like it’s an assignment that Japanese kids must do. I might delete my memory because of its miserable monument. It’s too sad and brutal for a kid to know.

Nowadays, many foreigners visit the museum. My wife told me that they were sobbing. It’s sad for me to touch on the story when I talk about Hiroshima. But we must learn.


I’m sure that this is the first time to visit Miyajima.

I’m getting excited. I’m boarding.

You should try Momiji Manju. My case was it’s fried.

Oyster as well.

I did’t go to Itsukushima Shrine and told my wife so, she said to me “You’re an idiot.” I just gave up it, seeing the procession. Instead, we took a rest and some sleep at a temple on a hill.

It’s a very quiet place and I saw a lot of people spent the nice time.

At night, we ate Okonomiyaki.

We went to Okayama another day, I may write about it someday. Thank you. Good bye Arigato.

