What’ the meaning of “氷山の一角” (hyouzann no ikkaku) 


When you use this expression,you may sound quite intellectual.

However, in everyday conversation, for example with friends, this expression is probably not used very often. Personally, I’ve never used that for anyone.

The tip of an iceberg

“氷山の一角” means the tip of an iceberg in English.

The word describes that what appears on the surface is only a small part of the whole desirable thing and implies there’s something darker and wickeder.

So it’s only used for negative things like political scandal or corporate fraud or anything bad.

I think You may often see 氷山の一角 used in political debate on TV shows.

Here’s the sample phrase.


This problem is just a tip of an iceberg.


As a writer, this is so boring because you can immediately understand the meaning as soon as you see the translation. It has no Japanese origin. I guess ”氷山の一角” was made after “the tip of an iceberg” came to Japan. I want to introduce fun words which derives from Japanese culture, so next time I wil do it.

