Boomerang ブーメラン (Shameful but sadly it happens a lot )


Hi! Welcome to the first post of “Detailed Japan”.Thank you for visiting!

This website introduces Japanese words which is trending, sometimes academic,sometimes the elusive words even Japanese people never heard of.

I try to explain all about Japan not only words as much as fun and detailed.

That’s the concept of this website.

So, Boomerang (ブーメラン)is Japanese internet slang.

“Look who’s talking” is a counterpart of “ブーメラン” in English.

If you critisize or blame someone for something but you get caught doing the same thing, it’s definately boomerang.

No need to explain, but original meaning of boomerang is a hunting weapon that can be thrown so that it will return to the thrower.

Boomerang comes back on you.What you’ve done also comes back on you.

Boomerang is a shameful thing.

Nobady wants to get into the “Boomerang” situation but sadly it happens a lot.

Maybe it happens among friends or married couples or in politics, whatever.

I think the most important thing is to admit and forgive maybe.

See you next time!Peacefully Japan!

